Risotto with cuttlefish ink, sun-dried tomatoes and salted ricotta
Ingredients to choose
For 4 people
  • Carnaroli Rice
    240 g
  • salted ricotta
    40 g
  • sun-dried tomatoes
    60 g
  • Fish granular seasoning
    just enough
  • Extra virgin Olive Oil
    just enough
How to prepare it
20 min.
1. Cut the dried tomatoes into small pieces

2. Start toasting the dry rice until it is warm to the touch and add the broth, obtained by adding the granular fish seasoning to 2 liters of water.

3. Turn off the heat and stir in E.V.O. oil and cuttlefish ink.

4. Finally, serve creating the shape of a volcano and place on top of the dried tomatoes, previously cut and the salted ricotta flakes.
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